Vamana therapy
Vamana treatment is targeted to expel increased Kapha Dosha out of the body.When Kapha dosha gets increased, it causes certain types of diseases -such as cold, cough etc. If the extent of Kapha increase is less, then some oral medicines can be given to suppress it. But if it has increased to a large extent and if it has moved from its natural place to other places, then it needs to be expelled out of the body. By expelling it out, the disease gets cured, often completely. Since Kapha is situated in the chest region, expelling it from the oral route is verv_easy. Hence,Vamana treatment is designed. To expel it out, first the Kapha Dosha needs to be forcefully brought from the extremities and different organs into the stomach,and then vomiting is induced.Advantages of VamanVitiated and aggressive Kapha dosha is expelled out of the body, leading to cure of disease.The digestion and metabolism power gets.Enhanced.Normal health is restored. The sense organs, mind, intelligence, and complexion become clear and gain strength;The person gains strength, nourishment and immunity,It improves the chances of fertility, virilityand sexual power.It helps to slow down aging process.
Indications for Vaman Panchakarma
Vaman therapy should be administered in two Kapha conditions When Kapha Dosha is increased aggressively causing a disease,Kapha is associated with Pitta dosha and they together cause disease, but Kapha( Shleshma) is the dominant Dosha.
Persons suitable for Vamana procedure –
Vamana ArhaPeople suffering with-fever of recent origin,diarrhea, dysentery.Pitta imbalance in lower part of abdomen.Bleeding disorder due to Pitta imbalance cough, cold, Asthma, chronic Respiratory disorder,skin diseases, with itching and burningsensation such as herpes ,diabetes, urinary tract disorders.Goiter, tumour, fibroid, thyroid disorders,Elephantiasis, Filariasis,Schizophrenia.Shwasa – Chronic Respiratory tract disease,indigestion, continuous nausea, Anorexia,lack of taste,Vitiated breast milk Kapha disorders affecting neck, ear, nose,eyes, and throat obesity,Anemia ,heaviness of the body eruption of pimples, urticaria, itching lethargy, laziness, lack of inclination for work, lack of co-ordination in sense organs,Fatigue, Weakness, tiredness without any reason.Foul smell of the body,sleeplessness or excessive sleep,drowsiness, weak sense organs,impotency,loss of strength and complexion in spite of the intake of nutritious diet.
Persons not suitable for VamanaPanchakarma
Basically, person who has Kapha deficiency -like dryness, lightness etc.symptoms is not suitable for Vamana.Pregnant woman,Rooskha persons (who are dry),Person who has not undergone oleation therapy – because, without oleation treatment,Kapha does not get extracted into the gut who have strong digestive activity, person who is hungry – here, usually Pitta is dominant. If a person is really hungry, then chances are there that he will digest the medicine that is being given to induce vomiting and hence, vomiting might never happen,old persons, the emaciated,highly obese patient with heart disease, the wounded,weak, debilitated, who are having bouts of vomiting enlargement of spleen, blindness,intestinal parasites upward movement of vata, bloating,hematemesis (blood vomiting), nasal bleeding.Soon after administration of Vamana,who have loss of speech, dysuria.ascites, intestinal obstruction,tumor of the abdomen,who faced difficulties during Vamana in prior therapy attempts,hemorrhoids,upward movement of air – reverse peristalsis,Giddiness / Dizziness – enlargement of the prostate,pain in the flanks and diseases caused by vata;
Before Vamana therapy: Patient may be asked to drink a specific type ayurvedic medicated ghee or oil for 3to 7 days.After 3 – 7 days of oil/ ghee consumption, you will be advised toundergo oil massage with sweating treatment/sudation. At that day, night, you will be given with Kapha increasing diet such as sweet curds, black gram ,Vada etc.On the day before Vamana,Kapha Dosha is excited in the patient by administering drink / thin gruel prepared from black gram, Sesame etc. added with little quantity of fats.The patient is made sure that he has slept well the previous night.Patient is made sure that his previous food is well digested.The patient is made to take hot water bath.He is either maintained on empty stomach or a little quantity of ghee is given.The aged, children, the debilitated should be made to drink milk, sugarcane juice added with honey and Saindhava salt,appropriate to the disease, to their maximum capacity.Determining the nature the nature of his bowels (Intestines – Koshta), the emetic drug is administered.The physician should administer a dose of the decoction (Kashaya) of the fruit of Madanaphala (Randia dumetorum Lam).Along with Honey, Rock salt, Phanita ( a preparation of Sugar cane juice) and the powder of Yashti Madhu- (Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Dose of emetics (Vamana Dravya) –
The Dosage of the Kashayam of the fruit of Madana (Randia Dumetorum Lam) andof all the other drugs used in elimination therapy should be determined according to the individual needs. The quantity,which when taken brings about the desired effect in the form of elimination of the vitiated Doshas which does not cause over- elimination_or_ inadequateelimination, is to be regarded as the proper dose for the patient Adjuvants for Vamana drug In case of increase of Kapha, vomiting should be induced with drugs having properties like penetrating, hot and Pungent In case of Pitta with drugs of sweet and cold properties and In case of association of Vata with Kapha,with drugs of Unctuous, sour and salt properties.
Vamana Vidhi –
After consuming the medicine, he should await for one Muhurta -48 minutes for the commencement of vomiting, with keen intent.With the appearance of oppression in the chest and salivation he should try to vomit.Patient is instructed not to exert too much, but allow the vomiting urge to be fully manifested. If the bouts are not coming up easily, heshould tickle his throat either with his fingers or a soft tube without injuring the throat, Sitting on a seat of the height of one knee,the bouts of vomiting should be held supported by another person. His umbilical region and back should be massaged in upward direction,The physician should very carefully observe the vomit in the spittoon, ascertain the number of urges and should conclude therapy as to whether the therapy has been well administered, inadequately administered or administered in excess. It is from this observation that the ayurvedacharya can determine the further line of action. So he should very carefully observe the vomiting urges. If bouts are insufficient, they should be induced again and again by drinking water boiled with yastimadhu , and rock salt(choice of ayurvedic drug is upon ayurvedacharya)
Signs and symptoms
The first effect of the administration of decoction would be perspiration which indicates that the Dosha has started melting. After that, the patient would have involuntary action that causes goose bumps which is visible on skin,which shows that the Dosha has started moving from its own position.In the third stage patient will have distension of the abdomen indicative of the Doshas having shifted to the intestine.Nausea and salivation which occur in the fourth stage are indicate that the Dosha has started moving upwards.How many bouts of vomiting?
Heenayoga – Minimum bouts — 4 bouts
Madhyama vega – Moderate -6 bouts
Atiyoga – Maximum bouts = 8 bouts
Vomiting should be allowed till the appearance- coming out of Pitta. This is appreciated by expulsion of bile or yellow sticky material, at the end. Coming out of Pitta indicates complete expulsion of Kapha Dosha.
Ayoga – inadequate bouts – Non -commencement of bouts, bouts coming on with hindrance or elimination of the medicine only- are the features of inadequate bouts; from it arise, excess of expectoration, itching, appearance of skin rashes, fever etc,
Signs of proper Vamana
Manifestation of the vomiting urges intime, absence of too much pain. Elimination of Doshas in proper order. Kapha, Pitta and vata coming out in successive order, without any hindrance, The urge for vomiting will recede on its own, after the Doshas are properly eliminated. Calmness of the mind and cessation of vomit bouts on its own,
Absence of features of inadequate bouts And Feeling of not too much of discomfort are the features of samyakyoga- proper bout.
In Atiyoga- excess bouts the vomited materials will be frothy, with glistering particles and blood;The patient will experience weakness, burning sensation, dryness of the throat, giddiness, powerful disease of vata origin and even death.
Signs of inadequate Vamana
Absence of vomiting or occasional Vomiting,Vomiting of the drug material only, without the vitiated Kapha Dosha,Excretion of the drug material through Purgation ,Obstruction to the vomiting urges.Management: While the therapy is going on, if inadequate symptoms are observed,then patient can be given with repeated dose of Madana phala Kashaya or Yashtimadhu phanta (licorice infusion), so as to induce vomiting. If that also fails,then the patient is made to follow Samsarjana krama, and againwithin a few days, a quick Vamana therapy is planned.
Complications of Vamana
The following complications arise out of over administration or inadequate administration of the therapy
Distension of abdomen,sawing type pain/throbling,salivation,palpitation,rigidity, blood in vomiting,displacement of viscera of the body,stiffness,and exhaustion. Over-emesis may cause the diseases of the head and neck due to the vitiation of Vata and disturbance of speech. Appearance of foam in the vomit, Appearance of blood streaks in vomit
Post Vaman management –
After the therapy has been well-administered, the hands, feet and face of the patient should be washed with warmwater.The patient should be consoled,made to undergo dhumpan vidhi/smoking fumes of burnt ayurvedic herbs.
He should then enter into a room which is not exposed to the wind and should rest completely.
The patient should abstain from the following for the whole day :
Speaking aloud,Excess eating, Sitting at one place for long time, Walking long distances, Anger and grief, Exposure to sun, dew and stormy wind,Travelling,Indulging in sexual intercourse,Waking up at night, avoiding sleep,sleeping during day time,foods with opposite qualities, wrong food combinations and foods that may cause indigestion ,intake of diet exclusively having one rasa/taste, intake of diet deficient in nutritive value, or heavy or irregularly mixed up. Suppression or forcible initiation of natural urges.
Paschat karma
Diet regimen after Vamana treatment. It is also called as Samsarjana Krama.
Soon after emesis, the digestive capacityof the patient is very low. Hence, all of a sudden regular diet cannot be introduced.In stead, liquid diet should be started and gradually turning to solids.In the same evening or the next day afterVamana, patient should take bath in lukewarm water.
Sansarjan karm or the post panchkarma dietary regimn to be followed by the patient after the administration is the intake of Peya, Vilepi, Akrita yoosha, Krita yoosha, Akrita Mamsa rasa, Krita Mamsa rasa, and then the normal diet on 4th,5th or 6th day according to the advise of Ayurvedacharya. Avoiding excess talk, excess laugh, riding vehicles, exposure to dust, wind, and heat, day sleep, and controlling natural urges are some of the instructions to be followed after Vaman karma.